


Hey - I’m Nicole! I’m a yoga teacher, tarot reader and freelance writer based in Lisbon, Portugal. Born in the US, to an American Mom and French Dad who both worked in the public health system, you could say it was inevitable I’d end up exploring wellness in my own life.



As a kid, I moved around a lot – from the States to Vietnam, Ethiopia to Geneva – so grew up immersed in the myriad of wellness practices that emerge in different cultures. I went on to study Political Science at the McGill University, and then completed an International Law & Foreign Policy Degree at American University.

Over the years, I’ve worked at Organising for America under President Obama, volunteered for Ameri*Corps VISTA, the American Domestic Peace Corps, and after landing in London in 2016, I worked for a legal-tech company before switching professions, completing my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) under Michael James Wong & Emily-Clare Hill in 2019. I’ve since gone on to begin coaching women on their careers and purpose.

That’s when all the different threads of my experience came together – a passion for health, a passion for positive innovation, a passion for people. Which is how nicolemeliora.com came to be.

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It was after taking my first yoga class at 15 that I realised true health is about connecting the dots - between our mind and body, between ourselves and the world beyond us. Truth health gets to the root. It respects self. It respects earth. It is whole. Inspired by the people around me – online and off - to cultivate a more holistic way of being, a more conscious way of life, over the last few years I’ve been shifting the way in which I approach myself, and the world around me.

Nicolemeliora.com is my way of sharing this lifestyle with you. A hub for those seeking a more conscious way of life. A community for those passionate about positive change.  A place for those passionate about the Self, Soul and Planet.